HCG - Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG)
HCG Use for Rapid Weight Loss
HCG Diet Weight Loss Aid and Endocrine
HCG stands for human chorionic gonadotropin and is scientifically defined as Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin. It is recognized as a natural protein hormone that develops in the placenta during the first 3 months of pregnancy and shortly after conception.
In addition, this protein hormone is defined as a peptide. Peptides are a class of hormone that is secreted into the blood stream and acts in almost all of the endocrine functions in living animals.
Now, what is the HCG diet, and how can it help you loose weight, fat and flab? This Sublingual HCG diet we describe here is being called the weight loss cure because in fact...it is an obesity weight loss cure.
So far Sublingual HCG diet has been producing amazing results in building new figures for life. It is not just for weight loss and fat burn. When done properly and with the right discipline develop great changes in body sculpture and to build figures forever.
HCG and Low Calorie Diet(VLCD)
The main function of this HCG Sublingual diet is to help reset your brain's hypothalamus by sending signals to begin cells breaking down and using abnormally high body fat as a primary fuel source.
As much as we know these signals are sent when the body is experiencing a reduced low calorie diet (VLCD). These signals also believed send a message out to conserve and maintain lean body mass.
It is known that for each pound of muscle that your body loses, you also lose about 50 calories in metabolism. But this Sublingual diet help to stop this cycle by tricking your body into believing it is getting the calories it needs.
Basically, it means that HCG replaces ingested calorie values with stored fat calories during the Phase 1. This phenomenon creates exceptional benefits including rapid fat loss results.
HCG for Keeping Your Weight Of
When you enter this diet program with the natural hormone you start wondering how effective is this diet and how do I keep from gaining it all back again?
You don't have to worry too much if and only if you use the oral Sublingual method because it is relatively very easy to manage.
The oral Sublingual diet method does not require injections at all. Just a few drops of Sublingual AE-27 serum mix under your tongue early morning and same doses at bed time.
Your own scale you will be checking every day will provide the best answers and will help you understand the theory and effects on how the diet can help you loss weight rapidly in addition to keep your weight off permanently.
I know what it is like to be overweight and not knowing where to start, or who to turn to for support. I was at the same situation you probably are right now.
You try endless diet plans, you starve yourself only to binge eat and you feel some overwhelmed with loneliness and guilt and that you just want to quit every diet.
To lose weight, to better your health or just to feel the energy you no longer have...Why not getting together and do something that actually works.

HCG and Your Body Metabolism
The usual question we always receive is if my metabolism will slow down if I'm on a very low calorie diet. My answer is yes, normally when we cut back our calories and fat, our bodies store fat and our metabolisms slow down.
This happens because fat is really a life-saving source of stored energy. When a very low calorie diet is used inconjunction with the proprietary Sublingual serum mix, the hormone signals the body to use stored fat for energy, and eliminates excess fat reserves. It's a natural process, so no ill effects on your metabolism will result.
This Sublingual diet works to mobilize fat for utilization by the body only when there is a significant decrease in calories and fat.
For this diet to work well, starvation state must exist and to stimulate that to weight loss, we use a very low calorie diet to trigger HCG to help rid the body of fat.
The diet works in many ways and there are many procedures. I strongly believe all of them works. But which one method or procedure is better for keeping your weight of is the critical decision. Let me elaborate on this...
The Sublingual Diet Program Inclusion
The sublingual diet program to weightloss we propose consists of 3 main phases. The first phase or Phase 1 is called "oral sublingual diet" and the phase 2 is called "oral maintenance diet."
So, in short the whole diet program formula we offer consists of 3 simple phases using oral sublingual formula as the main HCG mixing supplement to the Pregnyl powder you receive with your order.
The third HCG phase or phase 3 protocol, the one people love the most is when you learn the Clean and Healthy Eating For Life to help you how to eat properly in order to maintain and keep your new real weight forever.
The whole sublingual diet program is called the Dr. Simeons protocol and include the 3 HCG phases together with the VLCD diet recipes book you will receive with a wide variety of pre-balanced calories food selections to make your eating lifestyle more enjoyable.
HCG for Quality of Life
Do you want a shot of confidence for the mind? Join other who are interested in improving their confidence in a supportive and positive environment.
I have been helping people for over 20 years to learn how to live a healthier life through proper nutrition and exercise. My purpose is to reach out to the community and be able to help more people.
My support goes farther than just motivation, it goes into education. We ride to see new things, to burn calories and to meet new people to spread the experiences.
The rides will vary in direction or distance, but mainly for people seeking an Enhanced Quality of Life through wellness.
I look forward to shape up for the future, both physically and mentally, exploring the use the new protein peptide technology to improve the overall health.
I provide assessment as a dietitian and nutritionist to make your weight loss efforts easier. Support, motivation, and right knowledge to lose weight is the key to lose and keep it off.
I train normal people and professionals athletes on the overall application and development of a lifestyle that maintains your overall health and well-being.
Join us to discuss the effect of such things as sleep, environment, fitness, and nutrition on one's wellness.
HCG Business Opportunities
Attention to all entrepreneurs and business professionals. Within the next two years the fitness and nutritional supplement industry will grow to a trillion dollars.
Feel yourself invited to be a part of that tremendous growth to Latin America. There are only 5 industries in the country that are growing such fast.
For those who enjoy a competitive atmosphere, we recommend Sublingual HCG diet with under the tongue drops for weight loss to see your results fast!
Come over, register with us and meet with other local people who are interested in discussing anti-aging methods, including alternatives to costly cosmetic procedures, health and nutrition, and maintaining a healthy weight.
The HCG Weight Loss Group
Our weight loss group is about fun, energetic and developed to continue to grow and maintain competitive skill level.
We consider our members unique and diverse, from elite players to players who just want to have good old fashion fun.
I welcome anyone that want's to improve their level of fitness and health in a positive way. We built a group that focus on stretching, light weights, walking and exercising.
This weight loss group was created to inform those interested in participating in weight loss competition that will allow you to earn dollars for pounds lost, meet some great people, learn about nutrition, and have fun!
We have all tried to do it alone and how many of us have succeeded. This group will attract like minded people who want to improve themselves in all areas of their life and do it in a happy, friendly and supportive atmosphere led by enthusiastic professional.
There is a great interest in affordable weight management programs and support weight loss groups that achieve success.
My direct support goes to investigate the beliefs and emotional blocks that continue to sabotage success in achieving our goals.
We work differently, no elaborate point systems or eliminating foods, just simple diet solutions to help you eat better, lose weight and keep it off for good.
Sublingual Diet Recipes for Healthier Way of Life
I work hard to inspire other people who are interested in reaching their weight loss and fitness goals. Meet to workout, share recipes, share tips, and keep each other motivated. All fitness levels are welcome!
I have a fitness company and personal training center owned by a husband and wife team in Utah. We are passionate about wellness and fitness for real people of all shapes, sizes, ages and fitness.
A run group for anyone who wants to get outdoors and get moving. Whether you are new to running or training for a marathon, we offer runs for you!
Do you want to improve your 5K? Run your first marathon? Just meet some other runners and see new training methods.
1 days or 3 to 12 weeks weight loss program to reset your metabolism. Take this practical approach to setting you on the path to a healthier way of life.
Simple and convenient to follow, the program takes the guesswork out of obtaining good nutrition and offers.
Ladies, are you ready to get in shape? Ready to get healthy? Join us for our 8 week biggest loser contest. Summer is here, what a great way to shed those pounds and win some extra health.

HCG and Obesity All Over the US
Last week I went to Texas to train a group of real people. I found out Texas ranks 10th heaviest in the country and has the highest obesity rate of children in the nation.
Moreover, Texas is 13th in the nation for adult diabetes and ranks 27th for hypertension, two major health issues often related to obesity.
Not only in Texas, but obesity is an epidemic in this country. I want to help in the fight against obesity by running weight loss programs.
For 21 days or 3 weeks participants will receive HCG diet nutrition information and one-on-one coaching to help them reach their weight loss goals.
Your body is the miracle! Give it what it needs...We will show you how people's lives have been transformed, and will never be over weight and unhealthy again.
Imagine what your life would be like if you had the energy and excitement every day.
This group is to help people better understand the challenges to weight loss and achieve better health, reach and maintain their goals.
People who want to learn more about Sublingual mix proprietary formula or to reach and participate with HCG knowledge you may want to contact me directly.
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